Hello and welcome!
In this bi-weekly “At hand” issue, Marini Newsletter having at heart the performance and longevity of your asphalt plant, I would like to discuss the ten main actions to be taken to manage the plant in the perfect way.
We all know what happens when we neglect the plant or if we let plant management get out of hand: the entire supply chain stops, money is lost, customers are unhappy, in addition to massive safety risks.
If you want to avoid all this, here there are the 10 golden rules to avoid unpleasant surprises when the plant is supposed to be operating:
1) Carefully manage the sourcing of materials for the asphalt production; when raw materials aren’t available on site – being it aggregates, bitumen, filler or fuel – production stops and you don’t want this.
2) Manage the on-site inbound and outbound flow of trucks and equipment; as you well know, when the circulation is blocked, the construction site remains still.
3) Take a tour of the plant when it is in operation: listen to the noises and carefully look at every little detail, your goal is to identify any possible malfunction in order to anticipate it.
4) Swiftly resolve alarms on Cybertronic, the Marini system management software; when the alarms are ignored, in the worst case scenario, the system can eventually come to a halt.
5) Constantly check the progress of on-site work to ensure that there is constant communication between all those involved in the asphalt production and supply process: it is essential to know at any time if there is enough asphalt and how many trucks possibly send on-site.
6) Always work in close collaboration with the site lab to check the quality of the asphalt produced and to anticipate any recipe changes.
7) Always check that all the parameters on Cybertronic are set correctly and are within the pre-defined range.
8) Manage the plant to save as much fuel as possible, minimize downtime, avoiding overheating the aggregates or using wet aggregates.
9) Devote one hour at the end of production to clean the plant in order to be ready to start the following day with the system fully operational.
10) Plan routine maintenance and above all, do maintenance before starting and after the end of daily asphalt production.
If you have further questions or if you’d like to know more about what we discussed today, don’t hesitate to contact me at d.lupascu@marini.fayat.com, I would love to further discuss it with you.
I remain at “hand”.
Dan Lupascu
Marini Training Manager
Marini S.p.A.
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